
Roadblock org
Roadblock org


They force a Guard truck under Cain's command to stop since Cain is ferrying a group of not-quite-enemy Tau diplomats.


  • A military roadblock shows up in the Ciaphas Cain novel For The Emperor, manned by PDF troopers in the middle of a tense, riot-filled city on Gravalax.
  • The film version of Wanted has a scene that pretty much exemplifies this trope.
  • The protagonist, Kowalski, accelerates at the end of the run, hitting so hard that his car nearly folds in half and bursting into a fireball.

    roadblock org

    In Vanishing Point, the cops block the road with two bulldozers.Once out of sight, the family is left on the roadside, and the convict and boy take the car. Another bluff past a roadblock occurs in A Perfect World, in which a convict and his young hostage/companion ride with a friendly family past a roadblock.Out of the Past ends with a dramatic roadblock scene, where the hero and Femme Fatale get killed.The Four Days of Naples: The Italian civilians battling in the streets of Naples against the Germans build a road block, only to be unpleasantly surprised when the Germans turn a corner and come from the opposite direction, behind the roadblock that the Italians have built to stop them.When faced with a police roadblock, ET literally causes the bikes to fly over the police and evade capture. the Extra-Terrestrial has the heroes using bicycles to evade the police. Queue him driving a fuel truck right through it, Stuff Blowing Up, and he's jamming out to KC and the Sunshine Band behind the wheel. Accountant is a divine bounty hunter trying to bring the protagonist back to Hell, not all that concerned with collateral damage, and batshit insane. Drive Angry: Some local cops try this with The Accountant.

    roadblock org

    Later attempts using fire and Stuff Blowing Up don't work any better. Two members of La Résistance construct a roadblock to sabotage the Transcontinental Road Race, only to have the car race up from the opposite direction and run them over. The truck smashes its way through, but Stewart is fatally shot in the process. Unfortunately there's a second block just up the road, and the first cop, having spotted Daryl fleeing from the scene, had warned the second one that they were coming. Daryl sneaks out of the truck while Stewart bluffs his way past the cop, Daryl removes all the fuses from his car, ensuring that he can't follow them if he realizes anything's up. Stewart spot a roadblock up ahead it's just one car and one cop, but as Stewart points out, that's enough.

  • D.A.R.Y.L.: While making their escape, Daryl and Dr.
  • One is flown over by the good guys, one is removed when a tractor-trailer driven by the Big Bad and with the heroine tied to its front speeds towards it.
  • Der Clown - Payday has two Road Block scenes.
  • Too bad it's all undone by a grounded jet plane. Then, he sets up another bigger roadblock with dozens of police officers to capture them. First, he sets up smaller ones to herd the racers onto a specific highway.
  • Chief Edsel in Speed Zone organizes the biggest one yet.
  • The Lamborghini races past the second officer before the first can finish his sentence.

    roadblock org

    Officer: I think we got 'em right between us.

  • The second film has an attempt during the opening chase with the Lamborghini:.
  • He's confirmed to have caught two teams while Seymour and J.J. Foyt helps set one up to catch the Cannonballers. When the officer goes to check on them, Victor emerges from the car as Captain Chaos marking the first time we see.him. and Victor are testing out a Porsche for the race, they encounter one of these, making them crash.
  • The Cannonball Run and its sequels have a few examples, which isn't surprising given that they're about an illegal cross-country road race:.
  • In Blues Brothers 2000, a Road Block has been set up Elwood gets around it by driving under a river.
  • In The Blues Brothers, the Blues brothers escape the cops by driving into a mall.
  • Featured in both of the Blues Brothers films.
  • The heroes proceed to bluff their way past the roadblock.


    The 1986 movie Band of the Hand ends with the heroes pulling up to a police barricade in a camouflaged jeep filled with guns.

    Roadblock org